Thursday, October 15, 2009

Broken ankle; dream intact


It's not every day I can post photos of this magnitude on the Old Capitol City Roller Girls. Pictured above is Cranium CrusHER's ankle, now a mangled mess after she broke it during a jam at last night's practice. It has yet to be determined whether CrushHer will need surgery (as opposed to just a cast), but she will be out of action for at least six weeks. CrusHER writes:

I think I tried not to fall and so my ankle bent sideways and snapped the bone... when I move my leg I can feel the bones moving.

Never fear, however: Cranium CrusHER has every intention of returning to skate with OCCRG when she is fully healed as she added,

[Husband] Steve just said to me, "I think you need to find a different sport." And I laid there with a smirk on my face and thought "whateva! I will heal and there will be a rematch!!!

Rest up, CrusHER! We'll be counting the days 'til you're back skating with us.

I also took a skate to the head last night myself (and have the bump to prove it), but of course that pales in comparison to CrusHER's real derby injury.

Practice was otherwise a productive one, as it was our first go-round on the concrete floor of the Exhibition Hall at the Coralville Marriott, where our October 30th bout will take place. Personally, I love it. It's a fast surface that lends itself well to speed without being tiring or siphoning off too much energy; super smooth but not so slick that you can't get a hold of it when cornering.

I've really enjoyed the last two practices as we've taken a break from some of the drills and focused more on jamming. It's been a valuable outlet for the stress or negative emotions I'm carrying when I come to practice. The whistle blows, you skate hard, the endorphins kick in. I enjoy the excitement and camaraderie from my teammates, especially Fonda Cuffs who usually responds to someone falling from a well-executed body check with an enthusiastic, "Yeah! Yeah! YEEAAH!"

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